Your Favorite Web Sites - 2000


Your Favorite Web Sites - 2000

  • My thesis will be on the relationships/connections of  terror management theory (TMT), pain tolerance, and self-awareness. I was interested to see what was on the web for TMT as I assumed there would be more on the other two.

    This is a relevant webpage as it summarizes and presents TMT-

    This page was not as relevant as it it the site of the Ernest Becker foundation. It is interesting as TMT is rooted in his work but not relevant to my thesis.
  • Here are my internet pages that I found related to adult attachment styles:


    I found this one very relevant. Shaver is one of the leading researchers for this topic, and it also had different measurements related to attachment styles, it answered interesting questions from people, and had other info on the topic.


    There were actually quite a few irrelevant sites. This one focused on Israeli students assessed following the Gulf War. I don't think it is very relevant for research in adult attachment styles.

  • 1)

    This site was made by a professor at Emory, and gives an overview of self-efficacy, links to other websites, links to researchers and graduate students conducting work in this area, links to institutions where such research is being conducted, information on Bandura, links to various measures of self-efficacy, and instruction on how to find more information (on the web) about self-efficacy. This site could be helpful both in finding relevant research, and in finding interesting Ph.D. programs. 


    This site lists abstracts of articles related to stress, health, and self-efficacy. It turned out to be less relevant because none of the abstracts are related to my specific area of focus. (However, it does have other links to health psychology, SE assessments, etc.) 
  • I will be doing my thesis on Asperger Syndrome and have identified two web sites as follows. The first web site

     is very good.  The information contained in it seems empirically sound based on other reading I have done. The writers are careful to cite researchers who are well-known in this area, and the information offered is up-to-date. The only limitations are that only Yale studies are discussed. This does not give the reader the opportunity to see what else is going on in the field.

    The other web site I found was not very good  

    It is written by a journalist, is somewhat negative and based almost entirely on opinion. It does not offer much empirical evidence and lacks depth of coverage on the issue.

    Most of the web sites I found were actually quite good. It was more difficult to find the one that wasn't. I think it had something to do with the server I used. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what it was. It was through AOL netfind which offered a narrowed search for me.

  • For my thesis, I am looking at the comorbidity of personality traits/disorders with particular Axis I Disorders. As such, I found

    to be a relevant site for me as it included a wide variety of information concerning the causes, symptoms and treatment of personality disorders. A web site I found concerning personality disorders that is not relevant to my thesis is 

    I found this site to be interesting as it allows you to take several different personality tests (determining if you are a Type A person) but it does not contain any information that is useful to me. 

  • I hope it's okay that I chose to do a search on autism. My research here with Tom is based on romantic relationships and TMT, but I work with autistic children. I'm going to a conference in Denver in February and I wanted to get some information anyway so I could sound really smart when I talk to people there! The best site I found was . 

    I feel that most of the time well known organizations have pretty accurate and reliable information on their websites. This site tells you how to join the society, get put on a mailing list, be informed of conferences, and updated on new research ideas. Another pretty good site on autism is

    It's composed of information compiled by a father
    with an autistic child. There is a disclaimer on the page that acknowledges that not all of the information is scientific. However, from what I can tell, what he says seems pretty accurate and he gives detailed information about Applied Behavioral Analysis (the type of therapy we do at work). So, as long as his site is looked at objectively and selectively, good information is to be had. The worst site that came up in my search on autism was  

    It was just a humorous presentation of Gates being
    autistic, entitled "Why Bill Gates is Richer than you." 

  • Employee Assistance Programs

    SITE 1

    Relevant site for the employee. I don't think this sight would be of benefit to use in a thesis, but for information purposes it appears to be very good.

    This site has good links and was easy to understand and follow. Although irrelevant for my research purposes, it would be a good site to recommend to employees.

    SITE 2

    Also relevant for EAP professionals only. 

    This sight was loaded with information for the EAP worker. Links to conferences and other information could easily be found, although once again, not a good research site.

  • This first website pertains to my thesis because I am looking at sex (gender) and politics, and specifically voting behavior and the characteristics of candidates to the presidency. This website looks generally at women and politics.

    This second site provides more data on women in politics. A better site might emphasize the psychological underpinnings of women and candidacy, but this is basically appropriate (and informative).

  • I found two sites about drug use, abuse, and addiction. The relevant site is
    based on Bill Moyers' documentary for PBS. It is a good overview of the social, political, and biological issues involved in this area. I was impressed by how much material was covered in an efficient but highly personal manner.

    I was even more impressed by the irrelevant site, however. 
    was a site describing a slightly inaccurate theory of addiction (for instance, that prolonged drug use creates a "biochemical personality" in the user) and advertised Narconon, a non-traditional treatment center for addiction. Perhaps the best feature of this site was Kirstie Alley's assertion that Narconon saved her life.

  • My topic is "Gender Bias and Age Bias in Diagnosis." I searched through Yahoo and found 5 sites, 4 of which were not useful and 1 that was.

    A relevant site:

    This site is relevant to my research topic because it discusses the
    prevalence of eating disorders among men and women and the fact that they are highly underdiagnosed in men. It includes a full article out of a journal and references as well. I will probably in fact use this article now as part of my literature review.

    An irrelevant site:

    This site is also a journal article, however it is not related to my
    topic. It talks about the prevalence of several pulmonary diseases in women, and how women should be treated differently than men according to the ways the diseases are differently manifested in women. But it says nothing about a bias in diagnosis - that is, either diagnosing the diseases too often or too little due to their gender, which is why it is irrelevant to my topic.

  • My thesis proposal will focus mainly on the application of jury
    instructions by jurors and how they use these instructions to make
    decisions in jury trials.

    The first site I found,
    was interesting because it went into the dynamics of decision-making and how a jury goes about making decisions-going first from individual thought processes on the making of a decision to a more comprehensive group effort. This site is relevant because it deals with how juries make decisions and how they make decisions is a function of the instructions they receive and how they use them.

    The second site I found, 
    was interesting because it explained how attorneys can manipulate
    emotions in jurors to get them to make decisions in their favor. It also goes on to suggest how to make jurors better decision-makers by involving them more in the trial process, such as the judge using questions for witnesses that were posed by members of the jury and so forth. This site is not relevant, however, because my focus is on the application of jury instructions to make them better decision-makers, not how lawyers can manipulate them into making decisions or how to involve them more in the courtroom experience.
  • The following are different websites that I found to be relevant and
    irrelevant to my thesis proposal. The first one contains a survey
    conducted on the web to find out about characteristics of pedophiles.  The survey results are found at:

    I found this interesting because it actually contains information on
    female pedophiles, however it is irrelevant because it fails to use a
    scientific methodology in obtaining this information. 

    (Note:  There apparently was some problem with the survey.  The n of respondents was set back from 117 to 0 on 1/25/2000 and people are being asked to fill out the survey again.  You can look at the survey itself by clicking on the "Back to the survey page" link at the bottom of the results page.  This is an interesting use of survey methodology on the web. -L.A.B.)

    This is the mental health net web on pedophilia symptoms:

    Answers to Commonly Asked Questions About Child Sexual Abuse:

  • Recently, social psychological research has begun to broaden its focus to include the role of self-processes in social behavior (for a review, see Baumeister, 1999. The Self in Social Psychology). Of course, the challenge is to operationally define abstract "self-processes" and their subsequent effects on social behavior. In other words, delineating the structure of the self is most likely a necessary prerequisite for understanding its place in social spheres. Still regarded as a major contribution, William James postulated the distinction between the "I" and the "Me" aspects of self, the I being the subjective agent, the Me being the "empirical aggregate of things objectively known." An interesting consideration would be to see how the distinct processes associated with the I and the Me would affect, among other things, interpersonal attraction and feelings of closeness. My research proposal attempts to fill these theoretical and empirical gaps.

    So far, I have found James' original explication of this subtly nuanced I/Me distinction to be useful (#3). (1) and (2) provide a wealth of information concerning contemporary thought and research on the self and its social implications. So, why is #4 "bad"? In distinguishing valuable internet resources from dross, I think its necessary to consider (at least) two factors: ethical neutrality (precise and cautious analysis instead of difference to authority or preaching what "ought" to be), and adequate regard to existing work (instead of perpetually re-inventing the wheel). Sites 1,2, and 3 have these qualities, 4 does not.good:






  • I am presently looking at the relationship between Bandura's
    Social Cognitive Theory and goal setting behavior in predicting PTSD symptoms for disaster victims. I am using some of Chip's data on the Oklahoma City bombing and the Buffalo Creek fire & floods... 

    Most disaster PTSD info on the web is pretty general; not a lot of work has been done in this area.

    This is a link to the Australasian journal of Traumatic Stress 
    studies, which I have found to be a useful tool for tracking
    down PTSD data on natural disasters:

    A general reference data base on disaster PTSD articles, based 
    in Virginia. Some good stuff here on hurricane and flood disasters:

    This site isn't very useful for my applications...
    It's basically a layman's guide to understanding combat PTSD,
    presumably designed for families and friends of veterans. The information is really too general to be useful in my study.


     Justice Information Center. Information about courts, corrections, victims, research and evaluation, abstracts database. Very interesting and many, many links.

    ASAM: American Society of Addiction Medicine. This includes an on-line journal with web links (University & Research Institutions, Professional organizations). A great deal of information on addictions, some info. on research/money for doctoral work, etc.

    The Mission of the American Society of Addiction Medicine: 

    • Increase access to and improve the quality of addictions treatment.
    • Educate physicians, medical and osteopathic students, and the public.
    • Promoting research and prevention.
    • Establish addiction medicine as a specialty recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
