GLM: Simple Main Effects

GLM: Simple Main Effects

Reading: SPSS Advanced Models 9.0: 
                 Syntax for GLM: Univariate - /EMMEANS Subcommand, pp 337-338                                                             - /LMATRIX Subcommand, pp. 330-331
Download:   glm_2way.sav      (Download Tips)

  1. Overview

  2. /EMMEANS Syntax for Simple Main Effects

  3. -Run the Simple Main Effects Analysis

  4. -Interpret the Output

  5. -Simple Main Effects of Drive Within Reward

  6. Comments on the Interpretation of an Interaction

  7. /LMATRIX Syntax for Simple Main Effects

  8. -Run the Simple Main Effects Analysis

  9. -Interpret the Output

  10. -Simple Main Effects of Drive Within Reward

  11. References

1. Overview
2. /EMMEANS Syntax for Simple Main Effects
3. /EMMEANS: Run the Simple Main Effects Analysis
4. /EMMEANS: Interpret the Output
6. Comments on the Interpretation of an Interaction
7. /LMATRIX Syntax for Simple Main Effects
8. /LMATRIX: Run the Simple Main Effects Analysis
9. /LMATRIX: Interpret the Output
9. /LMATRIX: Simple Main Effects of Drive Within Reward
11. References

Lee A. Becker, 1997-1999 -revised 11/18/99